Sickle Cell Disease:
It's A Family Matter
The word family conjures some of the most enduring images and memories most of us will ever know. Dad teaching us how to throw a ball. Mom teaching us her famous recipe. Riding on dad's shoulders at an amusement park and our very own soccer mom making sure the team gets where it needs to go. Family. It's where "remember te time" is always followed by laughter. Family is our first team, our forever support system, and a welcome refuge when times are hard. And if anyone would ever ask why, the answer is easy: because family matters. Right?
What better way to highlight the courage and challenge to take on Sickle Cell Disease than through the love and support of family? After all, it takes a mother and father each carrying the gene to pass it on to their children. And it is this incredible relationship – of mothers and fathers with their sons and daughters – and the stories of what we inherit from our families that frames our look at Sickle Cell Disease.
• Visual Design
• Branding System
• Concept Development
• UI Design
• Recruitment/Retention Material
• Creative/Art Direction
Partnering with patient diversity specialists, we were able to implement strategies that would help GSK achieve their diversity enrollment goals outlined within the FDA Diversity Action Plan. A key part of the strategy would be to create patient recruitment materials that would resonate with various U.S. demographic groups within untapped and underserved communities. This included creating patient and caregiver study materials that contained imagery and language reflective of diverse cultures and communities.
Overall Impact:
• 69% of respondents were from a diverse audience segment
• 35% were African American
• 22% were Hispanic or Latino